Comprehensive IT Mobile Management Services Based in Richmond, VA

Comprehensive IT Mobile Management Services Based in Richmond, VA

As technology evolves, so do the ways that we use it for work. Mobile and smart devices are becoming commonplace in business, and work-from-home setups introduce unique challenges that needed to be solved yesterday.

When mobile phones, tablets, and borrowed machines are taken off site, it can become difficult to keep track of everything they need. Important updates are ignored, devices can accidentally be broken, and security breaches can easily tap into vulnerable machines in the wild.

When your company needs help managing remote devices, NTS can answer the call. With our mobile management services, you’ll have access to IT experts monitoring and managing your vital mobile devices. You can rest easy knowing your technology is safe and compliant with company policies even from miles away.

Never Lose Track of Your Mobile Devices

When you have a host of company phones, tablets, smart devices, and computers that are regularly used for on-site jobs or work-from-home, it can be hard to maintain their integrity. Through centralized device management hosted by NTS’s team of certified technicians, your off-site machines will remain compliant with company standards and secure from attacks.

Your customized mobile device management plan is designed around your company’s specific needs. No matter what devices you use, they will be monitored and managed by our subject matter experts.

These devices include:

  • Apple smartphones and tablets
  • Samsung smartphones and tablets
  • Google smartphones and tablets
  • Microsoft tablets and machines


Regardless of the size of your plan, you’ll have a team of IT subject matter experts monitoring your remote devices 24×7. By proactively solving problems before they affect any device, never again will your workday be interrupted by troubleshooting or a flood of updates.

If needed, content management also comes with your mobile device plans. When you need to manage access to certain applications or sensitive documents and files, NTS’s team can set up those classifications based on your company guidelines. You can ensure that your important data remains with your trusted employees.


Customized Plans Created Around Your Business

Every company is unique. You’ve spent countless hours coming up with the best solutions for your team. The last thing your company needs is to switch to a completely different management system.

That’s why the process starts with your meeting with NTS’s team of certified technicians. We specialize in understanding how your mobile devices enrich your company. The goal is to rightsize a solution that fits your company’s needs.

Your collaborative process includes:

  • Our team of IT specialists meet with you to determine the scope of the project
  • Getting a handle on your devices and the level of management you need to form a customized plan designed for your specific needs
  • A dedicated team of engineering staff will roll out our management platform to ensure the process goes smoothly.
  • Sit back as your mobile devices are supported 24×7
  • As your company grows, your plan can be adjusted and upgraded as needed

Your partnership with NTS starts with that initial meeting and grows with you as your business finds success. As your mobile devices evolve and work situations change, your domestic mobile management team will evolve with you.


24×7 IT Specialists On Your Side

As remote work becomes more common in your industry, you need a dedicated team of experts to monitor and manage your mobile devices. When you can’t justify hiring a new team or your current team already has enough on your plate, you need a solution geared towards your company.

When you partner with NTS’s mobile device management services team, you’re working with a domestic, certified group of IT specialists trained in a variety of fields. Once they understand your specific technology environment, you’ll have access to subject matter specialists who monitor and manage your remote devices 24×7

Let Us Worry About IT

Contact us to schedule a consultation and discuss what your business’s IT needs in order to succeed.

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