Data Backup and Recovery Services
based in Richmond, VA

Data Backup and Recovery Services
based in Richmond, VA

Data loss can strike at any time. No matter how secure and state-of-the-art your hard drive is, an error can always occur. From hard drive failure to common mistakes, you risk losing all of your important files and documents if you don’t have a proper data recovery plan in place.

No matter the size of your business, data loss can have long-lasting effects on your company. Decades of financial documents, client records, company policies and processes, even systems vital to running your company, can disappear in an instant. For some, this scary scenario could mean the end of their business.

When you can’t leave any aspect of your business to chance, NTS’s Data Loss and Recovery guarantees data security. Through multiple industry-standard solutions, we promise to keep your company’s vital data safe and easily accessible in case of emergency.

Data Security Designed For Your Business

While you may have a few external hard drives and a Google Drive account, you can never be too careful with your business’s data. On top of that, your need to make sure your data is just as secure as it is safe. That’s why you need a backup and recovery plan made specifically for you.

With NTS’s data backup services, your vital documents and files are protected through a unique backup and recovery plan designed around your business’s needs. Your company doesn’t fit in a box, so you need a plan that works outside the box.

You’ll walk us through your company’s systems and data storage to make sure we’re all on the same page. Once established, your data backup and recovery plan will be custom-made to best suit your business’s needs. By having access to multiple solutions, you don’t have to worry about a data loss situation setting your team back for hours or even days.

Secure and Accessible Data Recovery

Your company’s data will be regularly backed up through the industry-standard practice of the 3-2-1 scenario:

This form of data recovery is recommended by the United States Government. According to a 2012 paper from the US-CERT (United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team), Carnegie Mellon recommends this practice for data backup and recovery. For the majority of businesses, the 3-2-1 approach meets their data security demands.

Flexible Data Recovery Solutions

Not every storage solution works for every company. Being forced into a restrictive plan can make the process confusing and ineffective. That’s why you’ll have the choice of how you want to backup and recover your data, creating the plan that works for you and your employees. Your secure solutions include:

By choosing your own backup and recovery solutions curated by data security experts, you can rest easy knowing your business’s important data is in safe hands 24×7.

Contact Our Data Security Experts

Keep your business safe from technology and human error. By partnering with our IT experts on call and utilizing multiple data backup and recovery solutions, you will rest assured knowing that your data will never truly be gone.

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